Sorry for the recent lack of posts, I've been so busy with school and things got a bit hectic at home. But Anyways, today I'm here to tell you about my experience with my piercings that I got earlier today (26th March 2016) therefore if any of you was thinking of getting them done then here is my experience.
****(if you don't like listening about blood, please don't read the bottom of the last paragraph as it may make you feel queasy)****
So I got my rook and inner conch done what looks like this;
Okay so I'll start with the top one (rook) because the piercer did that one first. Okay so he told me to lay down on the bench in the parlour and asked me how I was feeling and if I was okay or nervous. He then asked what I wanted done and what side of my ear I wanted it to be on. He then asked me to stay calm and then got the needle ready. He then said there would be a slight pinch on my ear and just wear in with the piercing. When the needle went into my ear it was a slight pinch but I heard a pop and he had to wiggle the needle slightly to go through the cartilage what didn't actually hurt it was more of a shock. He then quickly took the needle out and replaced it with a earring and screwed on the earring. What didn't hurt and at this point I was shaking but I managed to calm myself before the second piercing.
Next he dotted my ear to where the inner conch (bottom silver) would go and asked me to get up and check if that's where I wanted it. I agreed to the place where the earring would go. He then said that this one would be more painful that the other one but it's because they are close together. But I was like meh, go ahead. Then he got the needle and the earring ready and proceeded to get my ear ready. It didn't hurt but it was stinging, but yeah. It hurt after wards, also after my piercing was in and I was
calming myself down. My ear started to randomly bleed but he said that it was weird because they didn't bleed during the process. But it hurt when I went outside from the hot room to the cold air.
This is from my point of view and I do have a really high pain tolerance therefore it didn't hurt as much as other people's would do.
So that's my experience with my piercing I hope this helped anyone with their choices even considering a piercing. Hope this helps.
Amber offline xx