Saturday, March 26, 2016


Hey guys,

Sorry for the recent lack of posts, I've been so busy with school and things got a bit hectic at home. But Anyways, today I'm here to tell you about my experience with my piercings that I got earlier today (26th March 2016) therefore if any of you was thinking of getting them done then here is my experience. 

****(if you don't like listening about blood, please don't read the bottom of the last paragraph as it may make you feel queasy)****

So I got my rook and inner conch done what looks like this;
Okay so I'll start with the top one (rook) because the piercer did that one first. Okay so he told me to lay down on the bench in the parlour and asked me how I was feeling and if I was okay or nervous. He then asked what I wanted done and what side of my ear I wanted it to be on. He then asked me to stay calm and then got the needle ready. He then said there would be a slight pinch on my ear and just wear in with the piercing. When the needle went into my ear it was a slight pinch but I heard a pop and he had to wiggle the needle slightly to go through the cartilage what didn't actually hurt it was more of a shock. He then quickly took the needle out and replaced it with a earring and screwed on the earring. What didn't hurt and at this point I was shaking but I managed to calm myself before the second piercing. 

Next he dotted my ear to where the inner conch (bottom silver) would go and asked me to get up and check if that's where I wanted it. I agreed to the place where the earring would go. He then said that this one would be more painful that the other one but it's because they are close together. But I was like meh, go ahead. Then he got the needle and the earring ready and proceeded to get my ear ready. It didn't hurt but it was stinging, but yeah. It hurt after wards, also after my piercing was in and I was 
calming myself down. My ear started to randomly bleed but he said that it was weird because they didn't bleed during the process. But it hurt when I went outside from the hot room to the cold air. 

This is from my point of view and I do have a really high pain tolerance therefore it didn't hurt as much as other people's would do. 

So that's my experience with my piercing I hope this helped anyone with their choices even considering a piercing. Hope this helps. 

Amber offline xx

Friday, February 26, 2016


Hey Guys,

This week I'm talking about my dancing experience as a lot of things regarding dance has come up recently what is reminding me of bad past times. So here goes:

When I was 2 my Mum and Nan put me into dance class, every Tuesday from 10-12 when I was in nursery and when I went to pre-school it was 12:30-2. My dance class was pretty petty and we was entered into shows, we even had a competition team but I was never asked to do it because I had very low confidence and self-esteem from a very young age. I would often run off stage because I got scared that people was judging me. After my first show my granddad thought it would be a good idea to take me to his places such as cricket with him on Thursdays so I could build up my confidence. It didn't work, I was around 2-4 and I would break down often because of my dancing. 

When I started primary school I started doing dance more often on a Tuesday and Friday after school. This is when the bad memories happened. As I was a child who was very active but liked food, I was a lot bigger than the other girls they started picking on me. I was 5, They started with fatty and big. This crushed my confidence even more and made it difficult to make friends. My reception teacher noticed this and worked with me to build it up, to every week it be knocked down. This resulted in me quitting friday dance and only staying on Tuesday. My granddad started staying there to see, where he notice me be picked on verbally and even physically. So he took me to dance every day and every year until I was 8. 

This is when it started to die down after I spoke up to my dance teacher, she was the mother of one of my dance friends and never noticed. I spoke to her and she sorted it out and made us do a production based on bullying. This was okay until it was my 10th birthday and I went to dance. Then the words started coming back and my family problems started. I knew I was the biggest girls there and it hurt me that much that when I was 12 I quit. After 10 years of dealing with it I had enough. It was the best choice I ever made, however I do really miss trying my hardest. I was never someone who stood out or who looked 'nice' in the skin-tight costumes. After I left my dance instructor put everyone in my class in 'Billy Elliot: the musical' for a year. They rubbed it in on social media and it got too over whelming. With that happening and the passing of a loved one only a week before. Enough was enough. I blocked them all and deleted them from my life. 

However, recently one of them followed me on instagram and recognized me. Now all of my dance 'friends' follow me on instagram and I don't know how to feel. I was very passionate about dance but was force to quit because of them. Anyways I still get constant nightmares about it and my confidence and self-esteem are still extremely low, I don't know how to control it it's just what happens.

Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed. Please leave what you want to see next week in the comments, bye!

Amber going offline x

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Hi guys, 
Sorry for the slacking of posts.
But I'm back now so lt's get on with the post.

This week its a rant post, i have so much on my chest to get off and it's actually becoming a problem. 

Here goes...

If you point out anyone's insecurities THAT'S NOT OKAY, if someones got a flaw and you notice it. DO NOT POINT IT OUT, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. No one wants to know your irrelevant points. If you make someone cry, that's not okay. If you make my best friends cry, better keep one eye open. I do not like how you treat people, it's not okay and bullying a year 7 is defiantly not okay. Grow the fudge up. It's not a playground... You treat people like they are dog poo and you've just trod in it. You make me sick. Why is it necessary to say that someones being blunt when they are clearly not okay, when they tell you that they are not okay but you ignore that fact. Life isn't always a joke, you need to understand that some people take things seriously and that's not to call they always serious. You are actually irrelevant to my life so please leave. Leaving people out because you don't think they are in our 'squad' sorry but we are not in your squad. You're in a one man squad. We are people. If someone says the time differently to someone else or even pronounces words differently to how you do, why do you need to point it out or make jokes out of it? It could be how they talk or how they was taught. At least i can tell the time. Life was easier without you in it. 

Next point. If someone has a boyfriend and you like them. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT think its okay to sent him pictures of yourself in the nude or not. One it's actually kinda illegal. Two do you actually have the decency to think ah he's taken I better back off before I hurt the person? Or do you just not care? If you don't then leave. just leave. You're irrelevant and shouldn't do things like that when you are 15... You hurt people.

Sorry its kind of short. This was needed to be said about the recent events that have happened. On a brighter note I am meeting Ellie, Lauren and Zak on Tuesday and I can't wait! 

I will see you next week!

Amber offline xox

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Opinions on...

Hey guys,

So earlier on I tweeted asking for subjects or objects to do a blog post on. This is the responses I got. These are all from twitter therefore in future if you want to be in my blog head over to @DeyesSmile_ to be included. 

1. Carrots.
Personally I love carrots, raw or cooked they are lovely. Disclaimer, they don't help you see in the dark...

2. Her.
Okay this girl is so horrible, she made my friend have nightmares and have problems. You don't just send people pictures of yourself and get away with it, Lovely I'm coming for you. You will not get away with sending them pictures to someones boyfriend that's not on, people can't control their jealousy and just have to share it to people who don't give two donkeys. You need to leave and just stop what you are doing N. 

3. Internet Friends.
I love my internet friends with all my heart, they are there for me when no one else cares and I just can't describe how happy they make me. I've met one of my Fave internet friends on the 2/01/16 and hopefully ill meet Lauren, Zak, Ellie and Amber this year. 

4. Blogging. 
Blogging personally for me I find really hard to keep up with, im not a person who sticks to things. But I hope to stick to this and be passionate about it, but I'm having fun making posts and all the feedback I get from it. Thankfully I haven't got any negative feedback as of yet. 

5. Feminism. 
I partly agree with feminism but I don't really understand it, I think it's about women rights. But yeah women need to be treated like a male does, men have these jobs that are meant for a 'male figure' but realistically women can put men to shame even in the things they are really good in. 

6. Other root vegetables. 
If you don't know, Lauren has a obsession with carrots therefore this opinion is a bit weird. I do like most root vegetables such as potatoes and Parsnips so I suppose they are okay? 

7. Gravy
To be perfectly honest with you I only like gravy when I have like potato type products or pies, if its anything else no thank you. 

8. How much you hate Lauren. 
I don't hate Lauren, she's such a lovely person. I adore her and her laugh, I can say she is one of my fave internet friends and we talk daily on snapchat and Twitter. Theres so much more I can say about Lauren but I don't want to bore you. 

9. School
Tbh school is where we get our education and although I don't enjoy it I do think it is a good idea. You just need to put yourself in the right frame of mind to enjoy it. 

10. Me (Sydney)
I havent actually had a full-blown conversation with you but you seem lovely and we should talk more.

11. YouTube.
The best thing ever created, it the place most people go for help like I do. I found it after I was having a hard time, so it was basically a life saver for me so I thank the person who created it. 

12. Reverse Racism. 
I'm not actually sure what this is, so please tell me. Urban dictionary says it's the act of being racist in reverse but that don't really explain it. Isnt it just pain old racism?

this is all the Subjects/Objects that you guys requested as of such. 

Thank you for reading.

Amber going offline x

Friday, January 01, 2016

New Year Resolutions.

Happy new year!!!!

Hey guys, so sorry i haven't posted in agesssss. I got really caught up with school work and i had all personal stuff going on, on top of everything else.

This post for the first one this year is about resolutions. I am going to tell you my new year goals and this time next year I will come back to this and see what I've achieved.

1. Loose weight, weight has been one of my toughest things to live with. I'm not 'fat' as you would say and I'm not 'boney' I am a size 6 but I do have flubber as such. I have a huge appetite and I cannot control that. I like eating, we all do. But this year is a time to change and this year I want to get them 'tiny' legs and toned stomach. I don't want to be known as the girl whose a small size but is 'fat' as many say. So I'm changing my diet and joining a gym.

2. Take charge of my mental health. This year I found my struggles with my mind, something that I'd never heard of before. It was called mental health condition, I suffer from about 4 or 5 but I don't feel comfortable sharing them on here quite yet. I got a therapist, a mentor and just recently I started going to regular counselling. It's really hard to get into but I'm determined to get onto of them and stop them ruining my life.

3. Be more active. By being more active I mean the gym, and on here with twitter too but mostly on here. I want to really tighten up my body and get in shape. I am very lousy and staying active with things such as this. I don't want to keep the people who actually enjoy reading this nothing to read every week.

4. Get the grades I want and that I need to succeed. I start my science core in June/July and its my first one, Next year when I am year 11, I will be doing my additional science GCSE. So far I am predicted the highest of a B, but I'm going to push myself to get to that A*.

5. Meet my fave people on the earth. I don't know if you are aware of this but I am in a group of wonderful people and this year we have made it out goal to meet each other. I want to meet my fave YouTubers and my fave people.

Those are my top 5 New Years Resolutions, I hope you all have the best year, I'll see you next week.

Amber going offline xxx

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Hey guys! Sorry its been so long since Iv'e last wrote a blog post but today I have taken it to twitter and i am doing a Q&A for you. I have asked my lovely squads on twitter; Lauren's Mane Squad and Alfie's Plop Plops and my bestfriend for these questions and they have provided me with LOADS so I better stop rambling and get on.

I'll add the @'s of everyone mentioned here on twitter so go follow them afterwards! I'll start with Lauren's Mane Squad and go in the order mentioned above.

Lauren's Mane Squad
1. Best and Worst things about twitter and our fandom within?
The best thing about our fandom is that we are very supportive of one and another; we like to make sure everyone's okay and coping with life. However our fandom has their bad days and we like to gang up on people who hate and it makes our idols get a bad image (kinda).

2. Least favorite ice-cream flavor and why?  
I'm not sure if you are aware of this but I don't like coffee flavor anything therefore my least favorite ice-cream would have to be Coffee.

3. Do you like Custard?
Yes, only heated up tho cold custard should of never been a thing...

4. Name a song that you listen to which makes you think of someone? 
Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world. This song was played at my Granddads funeral 3 years ago and its just the song that makes me smile when i listen to it because he was such a amazing man.

5. Dream place to live?
I would love to live in a place where its sunny and hot, where everyone is in such a good mood all the time and are very supportive. The country would be probably Italy because its such a nice place over there and most of the people I saw there was looking out for each other.

6. Favorite hair care item/product?
At the moment I've been love the L'Oreal Colour enhancer because it gives my hair so much volume and shine. As I have ombre hair i have to protect the colour therefore I use the L'Oreal to keep that in my hair.

7. Favorite Foundation?
I have been in love with the Rimmel Match Perfection because it hides all my flaws and ,makes my skin look so healthy and natural.

8. Best mascara you've ever used?
The Rimmel  Lash accelerator endless as it makes my lashes look 10x longer and fuller. They don't clump up and they glide on very nicely.

9. What are you asking for, for Christmas?
On my list (yes its been made since the start of October) there is;
Zoella Beauty Range
Youtuber books
Lush products
Superdrug vouchers
Nike Vouchers
and finally some Perfume

Alfies Plop Plops 

10. Secret Talent?
I dont think I own any secret talents, but maybe Cooking is? Yeah Cooking/Baking.

11. Hobby? 
I guess working out or doing Netball is a Hobby, therefore I am in a Netball Team and I go to the Gym. That's all I really get up to in my personal.

12. Favorite Clothing store?
I love to shop in shops that are like New Look, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and Primark (sometimes). But my all time fave shop has to be New look as it has all the clothes I wear.

13. Favorite Candle Sent? 
Recently me and my mother have treated ourselves to some new Yankee candles, Personally I love the sent Aloe Water and Christmas Cookies they are such refreshing candle sent and really make the room feel calm. However my all time fave has to be Lovely Kiku what is a flower sent and it really brightens up the room and makes it all cosy.

14. 3 things that annoy you the most?
People that chew and speak with their mouths open (just ewe)
People who walk slowly...
People who just have no respect for anyone but themselves.

15. Whats your Favorite Colab video?
My fave colab is a Zoe (Zoella) video that came out November 22nd of last year (2014) and its 'My Current Favorites (with special guests)' because it just makes me feel all cosy and it makes me have such a laugh.

My Bestfriend
16. Favorite memory?
It has to be when Me and my 3 friends slept round Paige's house and it was Paige and My friend at the top then me and my other friend laying across the bottom. Throughout the night my friend on the end managed to fall off the bed multiple times and in the end she just stayed on the floor. In the morning Paige's mum walked in and noticed her on the floor and we all just laughed.

17. If you won the lottery what would you do? 
I would probably put 75% into my Savings account and the other 25% I would give to my parents that to help them with the Bills and stuff like that.

18. What was your first thought this morning? 
Ugh double science, ITS ONLY 6 WHAT, Oh i have business that's going to ruin my day. I wonder what today will bring, it will probably be rubbish anyways oh well. Time to tackle the day...

I hope you enjoyed me answering some of the questions, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed typing this all out. The Twitter Handles;

Laurens Mane Squad
Lauren ~ @Zalfiebutton
Ellie ~ @laughingsugg
Zakk ~ @_ZalfieSugg
Zara ~ @youtubeexsugg
Amb ~ @stiIesmendes
Mee ~ @DeyesSmile_

Alfies Plop Plops
Lauren - @Murderizedlouis
Laura - @BradsLilMonkey
Hazel - @ZalfieGuru
Shannon - @MinimixerGrant
Vilte - @BlindingPastel

My Bestfriend
Paige - @paigerumble00

Thank you for taking your time to read through this!

see you soon.

Amber going offline xxx

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Berries, baths & bonfires

Finally the cold is drawing in, it's finally Autumn. What means sweater weather and big coats with ugg boots. 
Recently I was tagged by one of my lovely friends Lauren to do this tag so here I go! 

1. Favourite thing about Autumn? 
I don't think I have one thing that I could possibly pick for my Fave but if I had to it would be the weather. I know it's a kinda weird answer because England does not stop talking about weather however just think about wrapping up all cosy in a nice warm blanket. The pitter patter of the raindrops on the window, or even the colour of the crusty leaves on the ground. 

2. Go to Autumn look? 
I don't really wear much make up but when I do for my Autumn look I would got for a light bronze or shimmer eyeshadow with a simple eyeliner or even a winged eyeliner. I would pair it with natural lips as I dont suit dark lips or light lips. So it would be a light shimmer bronze with winged eyeliner. 

3. Favourite Autumn lip product?
I need to go out and figure out what lip product I like and is a nice dark matte colour. But at the moment I'm really am loving the Charlotte tilbury matte rebolution lipstick Glastonberry as it just makes your lips look fuller and wider. 

4. Favourite Autumn sweater? 
Recently I bought a 'little black sweat' jumper from new look and it's really walm and comfortable. 
5. Favourite Autumn trend? 
A pair of sweat pants or leggings with a oversized top or jumper. Big scarves and large coats are literally everything. 

6. Favourite Autumn pamper product? 
All of Zoës products are my life to just have a hot bath with some bubbles and a lovely moisturiser and I end up coming out of my bath/shower smelling amazing. Lush also have some very nice products out for Christmas and Halloween what is really really nice. 

7. Bath bombs or bubble bars? 
Personally I prefer bath bombs because they just smell amazing and just take up no effort you just have to chuck it into the bath and get in. 

8. Best way to chill in Autumn? 
Have a girlie sleepover with all your best girlfriends having a paper evening with Face masks and some comedy movies. Just all wrap up warm and have some giggles with some chocolate. 

9. Favourite Halloween show or movie? 
Personally I love horror films or shows and my Fave movie during this time is Halloween town from 1998. My favourite Halloween show or horror show is definitely American Horror Story because it has Evan Peters in it and he's such a sort😂

10. Tea, coffee or Hot chocolate?
Tea all the way (no not just because I'm English...) Tea is one of them drinks that I can just drink one after another all day long. Hot chocolate on the other hand I find is very sickly and too chocolaty if it's not with whipped cream. 

There is my tag finished. This tag was made up by my Fave Ellie and Emma. I now nominate YOU to do this tag! Have fun x

See you soon!

Amber going offline xx